Persistence and Determination Made Her Survive Breast Cancer

Az-M380 is a 52-year-old female from Indonesia. About seven years ago (in 2001) she detected a lump in her left breast. She refused healthcare remedy and opted for jamu rather. This remedy with the regional Indonesian herbs was not productive. By 2003, the lump grew bigger. Az underwent a mastectomy in a private hospital in Medan. This was followed by six cycles of chemotherapy. No radiotherapy was indicated. She took tamoxifen for a year and then gave it up.

Barely three years later (in 2006) there was a swelling on her left neck. Az did not seek further healthcare aid. She went to see a sinseh (Chinese doctor) as an alternative and was on his remedy for six months. The therapy was not productive.

Az went to Bogor, Java, and was treated by yet another alternative practitioner for six months. This remedy as well was not successful. Az had a new swelling in her arm pit. Her left arm became swollen. There was also a tiny lump in her appropriate breast. An X-ray carried out in October 2007 indicated the cancer had spread to her bones.

Not wanting to give up alternative treatment options, Az once more went to Sukabumi, in Java, and received treatment from an alternative practitioner. She was given herbal extract by way of infusion and also took some herbal drink. This therapy needed that she stay in Jakarta for the entire duration of her treatment.

Az told us that she refused to seek additional healthcare treatment simply because the doctor wanted her to undergo chemotherapy once more. She was not prepared to get any longer chemotherapy due to the side effects.

Az heard about us and decided to fly to Penang to seek our support on six June 2008. She presented with the following:

1) She had pulling pains at the left collarbone location. This region was also swollen.

two) Her left breast was also swollen.

three) She had pains in her correct thigh.

Az was prescribed Caspsule A, Breast L Tea, Breast M Tea, Bone Tea, Discomfort Tea and Upper Edema Tea. &#13After 5 days on these herbs, Az and her husband reported the following:

1) She began taking the herbs on Friday evening. The next two days – Saturday and Sunday, she suffered the most serious pains in her complete life. She believed she would die and requested her husband to bring her home to Medan.

2) Az persisted in taking the herbs. The pains subsided and following 5 days, 80% of the pains were gone. The pulling pains in the collarbone which she suffered earlier were also gone.

3) Her swollen left arm became softer.

4) There was less discomfort in her right thigh.

Az continued to take the herbs and returned to Medan. A month later, 6 July 2008, Az came back and reported the following progress:

1) Normally there was considerably much less pains.

two) The swelling of the left arm was about 70% gone and on some days it was not swollen at all.

3) The swelling in her left collarbone seemed to be smaller and softer.

The results of her blood test carried out on 9 June 2008 were: ESR = 46 High, RBC = four.3, Haemoglobin = 13.two, Platelet = 204, WBC = six.6 and CA 15.three = 15.two

The liver function test done on 7 July 2008 showed: Albumin = 42, Alkaline phosphatase = 81, &#13AST = 113 High, ALT = 96 High, GGT = 37 High. In view of the elevated liver function values, Az was prescribed added herbs for her liver.


There are many factors we can find out from this story.

1. Does surgery and chemotherapy cure breast cancer? The answer is NO. Barely 3 years after the remedy the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes at the collarbone region. (Caution – considering that no biopsy was completed to confirm this, we can only assume that the cancer had spread).

2. Az did not want to see her medical professional anymore. If she were to see her doctor, what do you think the physician would do to her? Answer: Far more chemotherapy – what else? The huge question is: What do you think would have occurred to Az following more chemotherapy? This is a million dollar query! Would Az be still alive today? No one particular can say for positive.

Let me quote what Amy Soscia, a breast cancer patient mentioned: “There is no remedy for metastatic breast cancer. It never ever goes away. You just move from treatment to treatment”.

An Oxford University professor, Michael Gearin-Tosch was diagnosed with cancer. The oncologist told him: “No cure. But we have therapy”. Professor Tosch wondered: “Why treat if you can’t cure?” He did not see the logic of it all and declined chemotherapy and lived to write a book, Residing Proof.

Professor Tosch also recalled the experiences of his buddy Rosemary and several other people like her. They had been “never ever told what would happen. They had ghastly treatment options. Then much more ghastly treatments. And in the finish? The hospital turns about: Absolutely nothing far more we can do for you. Go property and die”. (Living proof, pg. 31, 32).

3. It is indeed unfortunate that Az liver function has deteriorated. What do you believe is the cause? Is it due to the cancer per se or the therapy that she had received earlier? Does any want dare to ask if the six cycles of chemotherapy and/or the tamoxifen that she had earlier, had contributed to this deterioration? No one dare to ask or ever bother to want to know! And most typically the finger is pointed to the taking of herbs or supplements.

four. Az was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was forty-5 years old. It has been a lot more than seven years now and she is nevertheless alive. I have come across numerous patients who died two, 3 or 4 years following their diagnosis, in spite of the reality that they had undergone the ideal health-related treatment options. I told Az and her husband: “Let us all be grateful that Az is nonetheless alive – in spite of failures of option therapies!” From here, we hope to be capable to help Az reside a tiny much more longer.

five. Az suffered a healing crisis right after taking the herbs. Numerous individuals would have cursed Chris Teo for this suffering. Individuals must discover from Az’s knowledge. Beneath are excerpts of our conversation about the healing crisis that Az had gone through. This was recorded on 11 June 2008, 5 days right after she began taking the herbs.

Chris: Did you take the herbs immediately after seeing me last Friday?

Az: Yes – for five days now. Oh, I suffered so a lot pain following I started taking the herbs.

Husband: Since 2001 up to this day, my wife suffered the most serious discomfort in her entire life throughout the past handful of days.

Az: The pains had been so severe that I was not able to sleep.

Husband: I too was unable to sleep because of that. She was so restless – moved right here and there. She had to place her hands against the wall and she wanted me to bring her property to Medan that extremely night.

Az: I told my husband that I may die here that night.

Chris: Really good, very great. If you take the herbs and you did not suffer such “healing crisis” then the herbs are not carrying out something to you. They are not efficient! So I am glad to hear this! Very good for you. Okay, inform us what happened. On the first day, did you suffer any pain?

Az: On the 1st day – a few hours after I took the herbs, I started to feel the pains. Then the pains continued to the second day. On the third day the pains were just as severe. But on the fourth day the pains was much less.

Chris: Great. Immediately after taking the herbs, typically you would suffer pains. These pains turn into much more severe. Then immediately after a few days, the pains steadily decrease. So, tell us when was the most painful experience following taking the herbs?

Az: I took the herbs on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday the pains were genuinely severe. By Monday the pains had decreased.

Husband: The pains began in the left collarbone area, than they moved down to the left breast and then the whole left arm. We could not even touch her arm. It was so painful.

Az: I genuinely do not know how to describe such pains.

Chris: While suffering such pains, did you ever feel of wanting to throw away the herbs and give up? You have lost confidence in the herbs?

Az: No! I told my husband that this could be the reaction from the herbs. I would continue taking the herbs.

Chris: Did you stop taking the herbs in the course of individuals 5 days?

Az: No, I continued taking them.

Husband: I told her. Continue taking the herbs. Think in the herbs! We have been to so a lot of other alternative healers and we think that the “real” medical professional is right here.

Chris: (Checking by means of her medical history). Oh, you have gone to so many option healers before. Let me ask you – right after receiving their treatments, did you ever encounter such pains or healing crisis like you had just seasoned in the previous handful of days?

Az and husband: No, no – never!

Husband: As I have said earlier, because 2001 – when she very first had this problem, she had in no way suffered such serious pains before. The pains on that Friday night were the start of the Mother of All Pains.

Az: I had never ever suffered such pains just before.

Chris: Most individuals would have provided up or quit taking the herbs following such pains.

Az and Husband: No, no, we did not do that.

Chris: Yes, I would predict that such reaction would take place to you. Today is the fifth day – have the pains become much less?

Az: Yes, very considerably less. If Friday was a 100 point, these days it is only 20 points.

Chris: I am predicting that in the next couple of days you would be a lot greater and you will suffer a lot much less pains.

Husband: Tomorrow we program to return to Medan.

Chris: Okay, following all that expertise, do you still believe in the herbs?

Az: Yes!