FDA-Approved Stem Cell Clinical Trials Are Available Right Now!

Well-liked media stories have centered on the controversy surrounding embryonic stem cells. This week amniotic fluid stem cells had been big news.

For some reason, practically no consideration has been focused on adult stem cells which numerous scientists think to be as just as powerful. But, little is heard of them.&#13The greatest kept health-related secret in America! FDA-approved stem cell clinical trials are getting carried out appropriate now on human patients at major medical centers about the nation.

A huge heart attack created me a dying invalid. Standard therapies all failed and I was turned down at two heart transplant centers.

Following intensive study, I situated and was accepted into a clinical trial in Boston where my own stem cells were harvested and injected into my damaged heart muscle. I was a single of 24 patients in pioneering Phase I clinical trial. As a result of the stem cell therapy, I am now completely recovered.

In my study, I found that adult stem cell therapies are also available in thousands of FDA-authorized clinical trials for a myriad of diseases.

When your doctor utters these fateful words, “I am sorry, that is all I can do for you,” do not give up. There are numerous hundred FDA authorized clinical trails of stem cell therapies that could ease your suffering or save your life. I am living proof that stem cells are saving lives correct now. Immediately after I suffered my fatal heart attack, stem cell therapy changed me from a dying invalid to a vibrant and valuable human getting. FDA approved stem cell clinical trials are currently helping thousands of individuals.

I am trying the spread the word that when seriously ill patients hear these terrible words from their doctors, “I’m sorry, that’s all I can do for you”, they may not have to go home to suffer or die.

Adult stem cell therapy might be the most exciting health-related breakthrough of our time. Much more details can be located at stemcellssavedmylife.com