Alternative Cancer Treatment Options For Mesothelioma

Option cancer treatments are finding far more and a lot more popular and even seem to gain the acceptance from the conservative medical community.

My wife and I have cancer. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in spring of 2009 I followed her with my kidney cancer diagnosis only a few months later. After my wife got diagnosed, we adapted to a wholesome life-style and a whole foods, plant based diet plan. Further to that, my wife received intravenous Vitamin C drips and we each started to take very a handful of all-natural supplements that we believe aid us to keep the cancer from coming back once more.

In contrast to our cancers, there is no cure for mesothelioma these days. It is a fatal disease. Nonetheless, there are things a mesothelioma patient can do to enhance his quality of life by way of option cancer treatments.

Acupuncture for instance operates for a lot of folks and is utilized to relieve discomfort. The basic principle is to insert thin and extended needles into specific points on a person’s physique.

My wife had acupuncture carried out at some point, and it seemed to have helped her with her migraines

Massages are utilized as an crucial component of several alternative cancer treatment protocols. Mesothelioma patients reported how amazingly effective this technique was to aid them dealing with pain and stress. A patient could get them as numerous instances as he wishes. This procedure might also help to counter the side effects of traditional chemo therapies. It is strongly advisable although, to see a trained and reliable massage therapist for the treatments.

As I mentioned earlier, we decided to incorporate nutritional supplements into our cancer treatments. Nonetheless, you do need to have to see a well being care specialist to assist you discovering the proper supplements for your situation. Competent medical assistance is vital to make positive that you not only get the appropriate substances and doses that will be useful for you, but also, and much more importantly, make sure that your supplements are safe. Herbs and nutritional supplements are intended to enhance the body’s personal immune program and slowing down or stopping the progression of mesothelioma and other cancers. Once again, you need to have to ask your doctor and take his suggestions on which supplements you can take safely.

An additional approach that was introduced not also extended ago is the so named Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, also referred to as TENS. In essence, electrodes that are placed on to the nerves are stimulating the production of substances that are similar to morphine and consequently may decrease the amount of discomfort.

Lastly, we should also mention meditation as yet another alternative cancer treatment for mesothelioma patients. The objective is similar to the a single of massage therapies. Patients have reportedly experienced a relief in discomfort due to the constructive effects meditation has on a person’s mind.