The Definitive Guide to Prostate Cancer: Everything You Need to Know about Conventional and Integrative Therapies

The complete guide to coping with prostate cancer, with expert well being advice for each and every man
This extensive handbook provides males the crucial details they require to efficiently navigate every
step of dealing with prostate cancer. A newly diagnosed cancer patient faces a mind-numbing array of remedy alternatives, including medical therapies that carry significant side effects—and determining the correct course of action is an overwhelming activity. In straightforward but scientific terms, this book empowers re

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3 responses to “The Definitive Guide to Prostate Cancer: Everything You Need to Know about Conventional and Integrative Therapies”

  1. Philippa Cheetham Avatar
    Philippa Cheetham
    21 of 23 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Cannot recommend this book highly enough, September 17, 2011

    This review is from: The Definitive Guide to Prostate Cancer: Everything You Need to Know about Conventional and Integrative Therapies (Paperback)

    I am a board certified urologist and cannot recommend this book highly enough to my patients with prostate cancer and their loved ones. This excellent book hot off the press is everything you need to know about prostate cancer and is one of the few books in the world that discusses what the patient can do to reduce their risk of progression or recurrence of the disease – it has a very comprehensive discussion of strategies for prostate cancer prevention clearly explaining the risks of foods that promote prostate cancer cell growth and foods that are prostate cancer protective. Not only is the book extremely informative about conventional treatments for prostate cancer, but what REALLY makes this book stand out above all other books on prostate cancer is the holistic approach to prostate cancer – giving the patient and his family a truly integrative approach to treating the disease. It is written in a way that is easy to understand and gives the reader a real sense of optimism and shows them how to take control of the disease – this is an essential read for any man with prostate cancer, any man who has a family history of prostate cancer or any man who wants to do everything he can to prevent getting the disease in the first place.

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  2. Renac Avatar
    11 of 11 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    The true authority of prostate cancer shares his wisdom, September 17, 2011

    This review is from: The Definitive Guide to Prostate Cancer: Everything You Need to Know about Conventional and Integrative Therapies (Paperback)

    A diagnosis of prostate cancer is not what it used to be. This is why Dr. Katz’s definitive and most contemporary guide is a MUST READ for anyone that has a family member or has been diagnosed with any stage of prostate cancer. No one can communicate with the authority and clarity of Dr. Katz. His brilliance and vast clinical experience from treating the most elite around the world can be life changing for others on many fronts.

    After reading it, I know why Katz’s book is cited by patients and physicians as “NEW BIBLE” for those that want to clearly understand overcoming this disease. While Dr. Katz has a large practice at Columbia hospital in NY I understand why this book is groundbreaking piece receiving global attention as an authority for patients, their families, and the physician community alike. A combination of the best empirical evidence and his most genius advice for both overcoming and coping with prostate cancer at all stages.

    Dr. Katz communicates and treats the entire patient as well as the prostate to beat their diagnosis. A true must read for anyone that has the diagnosis or a relationship with someone that needs to have the greatest work of wisdom and support in conquering prostate cancer. Many physican insiders are sharing that the most respected Primary Care physicians are ordering this book for their offices to share with patients– and I can certainly understand why! There is no better gift that will support one’s journey. This book will save and enhance many lives. Thank you Dr. Katz.

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  3. Charles R. Frazer Avatar
    Charles R. Frazer
    8 of 8 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Truly Definitive and Highly Engaging, October 17, 2011
    Charles R. Frazer (Teaneck, NJ United States) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: The Definitive Guide to Prostate Cancer: Everything You Need to Know about Conventional and Integrative Therapies (Paperback)

    My urologist, Dr. Aaron Katz, has written a stellar book. Much more than a compendium of useful facts, his latest publication is a milestone in collecting, categorizing, and presenting the varied and often elusive information on prostate cancer and other prostate ailments.

    For the newly diagnosed, it brings clarity to the breadth and depth of considerations that give patients solid ground on which to stand while making their decisions. For the previously treated (and often mistreated, sometimes horribly) he supplies new directions which join hope for the future with corrections (where possible) for the past. For the vulnerable (or “at risk” in medical speak), he provides clear directives on how to minimize, if not eliminate, the likelihood of incurring prostate cancer. For all, it reads with the same cadences of caring that I and his other patients hear when he counsels us.

    His task is not easy. Long known as the “great imposter” of malignancies for its elusiveness in diagnosis and the will o’ the wisp character of its treatment methods, prostate cancer confuses as it frightens-often producing a paralysis of fear which can leave afflicted men vulnerably exposed to unsuitable treatments and totally unaware of better alternatives.

    Underlying all this, of course, are the twin major side effects of sexual dysfunction and urinary incontinence which provide non-stop anxiety attacks.

    The reader of this book will benefit enormously from the superb detail with which Dr. Katz walks you through the entire diagnostic process, letting you know what diagnostic procedures can and can’t do, giving a truly clear description of PSA ambiguities, and sharing with you his thinking as a practitioner when faced with unclear symptoms and cloudy diagnostic information.

    Following diagnosis, including extent of cancer (Stage) and its aggressiveness (Gleason Score), Dr. Katz leads you through the labyrinths (yes, there is more than one) of deciding upon which treatment methods you will decide are appropriate for your situation.

    In that respect, he gives one of the clearest short explanations of “Integrative Medicine” that you will ever see. Briefly, all medicine should be “evidence based”. What we normally call “mainstream medicine” (more technically “allopathic medicine”) aims to fix what’s wrong. “Holistic medicine” begins by looking at a person as a whole, not just the bearer of a specific disease or injury, and attempts to heal by working in multiple dimensions. “Alternative medicine” includes specific “non-mainstream” disciplines as Naturopathy, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Ayurvedic Medicine whose chief claim is to help the body heal itself, often in conjunction with specific dietary directives.

    “Integrative Medicine”, as defined by Dr. Katz, uses any or all of these methods provided that the terms of use are validated by proper evidence. That simple, but also that profound. For example, localized prostate cancer of mild aggressiveness (Gleason Score of 6 or less), may well not need any treatment more invasive than diet and appropriate nutritional remedies and herbal supplements. That approach, called “Active Holistic Surveillance”, contains the cancer and provides superb quality of life.

    Other cancers require more aggressive treatment methods such as surgery, radiation, or cryosurgery.

    But whatever fits your circumstances is something which evidence shows is effective in terms of curative impact and provision for good quality of life (i.e. freedom from major side effects). And that evidence is drawn from the entire spectrum of treatment methods, not just those favored by one school of thought.

    Dr. Katz is remarkable in stating his own biases and preferences clearly, while providing the reader with more than adequate information to decide if he is comfortable with the Katz approach or prefers another path. The book is saturated with the respect that the author has for patients and their care givers to participate fully and on an equal basis with any physician of their choice, and sees to it that those patients and care givers have the knowledge and the confidence to play their roles in the decision-making process.

    Dr. Katz’s most transformative contributions, which benefit both professionals and “ordinary” people, lie in his specifications for dietary practices, his detailed account of which nutritional supplements have satisfied the evidence-based criteria of his Center’s clinical trials, and his recommendations for exercise and mind-body practices. Healthy diets, exercise, and stress reduction are not just good to prevent cancer and to assist in its treatment, but also to produce good heart and general health. Imagine how much happiness could be produced by preventing significant numbers of cancers, heart disease, and diabetes!

    If these “preventive” methods succeed in your never…

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