The Oil That Heals: A Physician’s Successes With Castor Oil Treatments

Castor oil was recommended in the Edgar Cayce readings a lot more than 1000 times. Dr. McGarey recounts case histories in which he succeeded in using castor oil packs as a healing agent for a range of disorders.

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3 responses to “The Oil That Heals: A Physician’s Successes With Castor Oil Treatments”

  1. Milton Drepaul "Milton Drepaul-AlphaMax Academy" Avatar
    Milton Drepaul “Milton Drepaul-AlphaMax Academy”
    99 of 101 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    The healing properties of castor packs., May 25, 1998
    By A Customer
    This review is from: The Oil That Heals: A Physician’s Successes With Castor Oil Treatments (Paperback)

    Dr. William McGarey has used castor packs for over 30 years in his medical practice. His book, The Oil that Heals, is a detailed text on McCarey’s research on the history of castor packs and their miraculous effect on such diseases as cancer, hepatitis, arthritis, migraines, and digestive disorders. McGarey integrates much of Edgar Cayce’s knowledge of the miraculous castor plant and his extraordinary knowledge of the human body and physiology. The book is well researched and filled with case histories from patients and physicians. The Oil that Heals is a must-read for any one serious about healing their body and getting maximum benefits from this ancient oil.

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  2. Ellie "Eilean Siar" Avatar
    Ellie “Eilean Siar”
    23 of 23 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    A wonderful healing oil, August 7, 2010
    Milton Drepaul “Milton Drepaul-AlphaMax Academy” (Toronto, Ontario Canada) –

    This review is from: The Oil That Heals: A Physician’s Successes With Castor Oil Treatments (Paperback)

    The Oil That Heals: A Physician’s Successes With Castor Oil Treatmentsis a detailed account of the work that Dr. William McGarey did with castor oil packs for over 30 years as a medical doctor.McGarey speaks of what we may term the ‘miraculous curative effect’ on a wide range of modern diseases.

    If you are serious about keeping your body healthy I advise you to read this book.

    My life experiences with the therapeutic use of castor oil started in the 1970s after I read the Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet by Jess Stern. I almost immediately adopted using castor oil for healing. I found out that folk tradition in my country (Guyana) also supported this view.

    My most dramatic experience with the healing powers of castor oil came in 1988 when I was living in the Turks & Caicos Islands. I had a friend who was one of the four doctors on Grand Turk island. One Thurdsay evening he suddenly came down with a high fever. Little did we know then that it was a recurrence of hepatatis that he has originally contracted in India. The next day he was worse and he other three doctors proposed flying him in to Miami for diagnosis and treatment.

    His wife was frantic and did no want him flown out of the island as she had a small baby and could not accompany him. Then she remembered that she has once checked my medicine cuboard and found only three items–aloe vera, baking soda and castor oil. She was amused when I said that those were the only things I needed for my health. She did pay attention to my account of how Edgar Cayce used Castor oil for healing.

    About three hours before her husband was to be sent to Miami she came to me and said her intuition told her that castor oil would help. We bought up all the castor oil we could find on the island. Then we created a pack and applied a heating pad. Within an hour my friend’s delerium and fever went. He felt so much better that he was able to persuade his colleagues that there was no need to send him for further treatment.Over the weekend he used the pack and by Monday he was back on the job.

    While he was in the Caribbean my friend used castor on his patients who had caesearen operations. In all 86 cases there was no post operative scarring. There was one case where I saw one of his patients who had a badly burnt foot recover completely in a week.

    Today I still have castor oil in my medicine cabinet. It continues to help nature to heal faster. I hope you read Dr. McGarey’s book and learn to use castor oil therapy.

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  3.  Avatar
    42 of 49 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    Apple Cider Vinegar, Move Over!, June 29, 2006
    Ellie “Eilean Siar” (North Shore of Boston, USA) –
    (TOP 1000 REVIEWER)

    This review is from: The Oil That Heals: A Physician’s Successes With Castor Oil Treatments (Paperback)

    Directly from the ancient world, not Vermont, we bring you – Yes! Castor Oil. Not to be taken internally, in general, but applied to the skin, sometimes with wool flannel soaked in it and a heating pad on top for an hour or two. Sometimes just massaged into the skin. Many types of use are outlined in this rare, but fascinating book by an expert on its use.

    Describes the many healing uses of castor oil, mostly externally applied, since ancient times as revealed by Edgar Cayce, the late american psychic, in his ‘readings’ to help people with their health problems. The physician author is an expert in its clinical use. Apple cider vinegar isn’t the only thing that’s cheap but cures so much!

    It was frequently suggested as part of a larger therapy for particular disorders, so it pays the reader to consult the A.R.E.[…]to get a better idea of what his original readings were about – holistic healing, not the ‘take a pill and call me in ten days’ sort of healing. The human body is a highly integrated life form charged with keeping our consciousness intact as long as possible.

    Cayce made a remarkable statement: there is no illness that cannot be cured using what nature has placed on the earth for our benefit. The hard part is to find where and what these healing substances and treatments are. You can join the A.R.E. for a modest contribution and benefit from their enormous knowledge and benevolent intent. They do a lot of good. What does Pfizer do for kids at camp?

    Sorry, there are no claims castor oil will cure cancer, bad breath, or a broken heart. But for many of the conditions described in the book, it has promise.

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