Prostate Cancer Survivors Speak Their Minds: Advice on Options, Treatments, and Aftereffects

Personal stories show guys how to make the appropriate decisions for themselves, with medical insights from a major Johns Hopkins authority on prostate cancerIf you or an individual you know has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you want to know the facts about treatment possibilities as well as what to expect through the approach of therapy and recovery.Written by Dr. Arthur L. Burnett, II. one of the world’s most distinguished authorities on prostate cancer and veteran CBS News journalist and prostate canc

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3 responses to “Prostate Cancer Survivors Speak Their Minds: Advice on Options, Treatments, and Aftereffects”

  1. Hazel Motes "Looking For Signs" Avatar
    Hazel Motes “Looking For Signs”
    5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
    3.0 out of 5 stars
    Read It, but Don’t Lose Your Skepticism, March 22, 2011
    Hazel Motes “Looking For Signs” (New York, NY USA) –

    This review is from: Prostate Cancer Survivors Speak Their Minds: Advice on Options, Treatments, and Aftereffects (Paperback)

    If you have prostate cancer, this book can add to your decision-making, but it should be read with some caution (despite the log-rolling reviews by eminent news guys). I don’t doubt that Arthur Burnett is a skilled and compassionate surgeon, but it may be those very qualities that make this something of a distortion of treatment reality.

    Nearly all the examples of survivors “speaking their minds” have come through surgery (performed by Burnett) with flying colors–usually cured and with side effects not dampening their spirits. There is one example of a man whose surgery was botched–but Burnett didn’t do it, and in fact rescued him with further treatment. Hmmm…

    It doesn’t take much research to realize there are countless men whose lives have been devastated by the side effects prostatectomies–mostly incontinence and impotence, but other maladies as well. The feel-good stories in this book are only part of the story, and it seems shifty to present them as the typical outcome. Also, who are these survivors? Arnold Palmer? Ken Griffey? Pat Robertson? Rich guys who can afford any comfort to make their post-surgery miseries easier to bear.

    If you’re not rich, and you can’t fly to Johns Hopkins to get Burnett to perform your surgery, I suspect your reality could be much different than what’s represented in this book.

    On the other hand, the book is to be commended highly for focusing on African-Americans and gay men with prostate cancer, the former because they are so highly at risk, and the latter because gays are invisible to most authors/doctors writing about prostate cancer. (Amazingly, this book not only features a gay man’s story but acknowledges explicitly that gay sex lives are fundamentally different than, say, Pat Robertson’s, and that may affect treatment choices.)

    So read this book, for sure, BUT make sure you also read Patrick Walsh’s “Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer,” Gerald Chodak’s “Winning the Battle Against Prostate Cancer,” and Mark Scholz’s “Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers, among others.

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  2. Les Gwyn Williams Avatar
    Les Gwyn Williams
    4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Must have reading!, August 10, 2010

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Prostate Cancer Survivors Speak Their Minds: Advice on Options, Treatments, and Aftereffects (Paperback)

    This book is a “must have” for anyone diagnosed or caring for someone who is diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Even though I have already had the surgery I found the book to be very helpful when discussing the disease with friends and colleagues. It takes a lot of soul searching to come up with the right course of treatment to follow. The many different experiences related here could make a difference in the way you feel or reassure you that you are on the right track. I found the detail to be very true to my experience and I only wish I had this book 4 years ago when I was diagnosed.
    The one thing that I brought away from my reading was that I was not alone, and that was the major thought in my mind when the call came in from my Urologist! I urge anyone who has or supports someone who has prostate cancer to read this book!

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  3. V. Heath Avatar
    V. Heath
    4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Good Support for newly diagnosed., May 13, 2010
    V. Heath (Southington, CT USA) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Prostate Cancer Survivors Speak Their Minds: Advice on Options, Treatments, and Aftereffects (Paperback)

    My husband appreciated the first hand reports of individuals who had been through the different options for a “cure”. Their experiences helped him to decide the treatmenthe is going to use.

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