Burzynski, the Movie – Cancer Is Serious Business

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3 responses to “Burzynski, the Movie – Cancer Is Serious Business”

  1. 123 of 136 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    an extremely important film, August 25, 2010

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Burzynski, the Movie (DVD)

    As a cancer survivor, I am always interested in cancer research. Dr. Burzynski from Stafford, Texas, has made what may be the best discovery ever in cancer research. As a biochemist and physician, he found naturally-occurring peptides made by the human body which seem to inhibit cancerous cells from multiplying. Cancer patients typically lack these compounds, which he calls “antineoplastons.” So he synthesized them and used them to treat about 50 types of cancer during the last 30 years, achieving much better cure rates than conventional chemo/radiation without side effects! He has had particularly good success with brain cancer patients, especially children, who were written off as having a fatal condition. Why haven’t we heard about him before? Because the Texas Board of Medicine prohibits him from practicing his treatments outside of Texas.

    And here is where it gets really ugly. Since the 1980’s the FDA has harassed him and tried to force him out of business. He went through four grand jury investigations, and was not indicted in each case. He was even brought to trial but acquitted, supported by many grateful patients whose raised money for his defense. The FDA even raided his offices, seizing 300,000 pages of patient records. He was then allowed to have them photocopied for his practice, at his expense. Why? Cancer treatment is a billion-dollar industry and the pharmaceutical companies stand to lose big-time if a safe alternative treatment becomes the standard. The FDA was chastized by Congressional members during a hearing for persecuting Dr. Burzynski, and it finally allowed him to conduct clinically-controlled trials on his own medicine. Dr. Davorit Samid, who was previously hired by his Clinic to do research on antineoplastons, is now employed by the National Cancer Institute. She and the NCI have applied for and received patents on these compounds, on which Burzynski has held patents for some time. Patent infringment is serious business.
    This documentary may be panned by some movie critics (and we all know how objective they are) but the information it contains is priceless.

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  2. Mary Salling Avatar
    Mary Salling
    109 of 122 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    A must see movie, July 29, 2010
    Mary Salling (Winston-Salem NC) –

    This review is from: Burzynski, the Movie (DVD)

    I saw this movie in a small theatre. It is mainly a documentary about Dr Burzynski and his discovery of antineoplastins to cure cancers. There are actual patient stories of amazing cures of incurable cancers using his protocol. Also his fight to be able to continue using his medication protocol and his fight with big pharma and the other powers to be.

    It was very enlightening to see what happens behind closed doors. There is so much corruption going on in the government that we don’t know about.

    I would highly recommend this movie because of the information you gain about the government and also that there are other ways to get rid of cancer without going the chemo/radiation protocol that this country insists on as the only way, and how they get big bucks following it.

    Anyone who has had cancer, or knows someone that does or may have, definately needs to see this movie before submitting to the fear that they will die if they don’t take the chemo/radiation route.



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  3. Joanne of Joanneunleashed website Avatar
    Joanne of Joanneunleashed website
    70 of 79 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Your tax dollars are being used to suppress a cure for cancer, March 10, 2011
    Joanne of Joanneunleashed website (Pennsylvania) –

    This review is from: Burzynski, the Movie (DVD)

    Whenever I tell someone that our government and health care agencies do not want a cure for cancer unless they can benefit from it financially, I’m accused of being a conspiracy theorist. Those unfamiliar with the corruption in health care just cannot believe cancer cures are being suppressed. You’ll be convinced after watching this remarkably informative documentary about Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski.

    Burzynski is a biochemist who discovered peptides called antineoplasts that are abundant in healthy people and completely lacking in those with cancer. He developed a protocol for extracting these peptides from the urine of healthy people and injecting them into people with cancer, which in many cases led to complete remission of the cancer–with no side effects. He later was able to synthesize it and holds a patent on his treatment.

    Dr. Burzynski has been ridiculed and attacked for his discovery. The Texas Board of Medical Examiners, the FDA, the National Cancer Institute, a pharmaceutical company and a former consultant have conspired to take away his medical license, disrupt his practice, brand him as a quack, throw him in jail, and steal his patent. His office has been raided and patient files have been confiscated, disrupting Burzynski’s treatment of very ill people. Millions of tax dollars have been spent by the FDA in its attempt to imprison Burzynski.

    They haven’t persecuted Burzynski because his treatment doesn’t work or because it is harmful. They’re persecuting him because it does work, and they want it. Their charge is that he shipped it across state lines to his patients, to other scientists investigating his cure, and for use in FDA clinical trials. And while pharmaceutical companies receive tax monies for their research and can get drugs approved in a mere three to four months, Burzynski receives nothing and has tried for decades to get his treatment approved by the FDA. All while paying millions to defend himself in court.

    Dr. Julian Whitaker summed up very well the sad state of affairs, “How could the U.S. Patent Office be corrupted to the point that they issue patents on medical therapies that have already been patented and issue them to someone who had nothing to do with their discovery or use? And how could the Patent Office then assign fraudulent patents to some of the most powerful institutions in American government? And imagine, all of this was being done while these same government agencies were spending billions of the taxpayers’ dollars trying to put Dr. Burzynski in jail so that he could not fight the criminal theft of his discovery. Well, what about the ten million patients who died of cancer over the last twenty years? The majority of them could have been saved if the government had not blocked the therapy that they knew could save them.”

    In Burzynksi, the Movie, you’ll hear from Dr. Burzynski, Dr. Julian Whitaker, Congressional members, and former cancer patients. The testimonies of Burzynski’s patients are heartbreaking, because all they want to know is, “Why are you trying to take this away from us?” And just when I thought the movie was ending, another segments began with more unbelievable corruption. I was completely disgusted and outraged by what I learned.

    My hat is off to Eric Merola for producing a documentary that is informative, entertaining, engrossing, heartbreaking, and infuriating. There’s not a dull moment, and I wish everyone on the planet would watch this. Then maybe, maybe something might be done about the stranglehold the FDA and PhARMA have on preventing the advance of health care so that it actually heals people.

    Disclosure: I received a review copy of this DVD from the publisher.

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