Kidney Cancer Snake-Oil

I admit it, I’m one of those people who is effortlessly drawn into false promises of hope, heck I even failed to win the lottery final night!

Prior to my Nephrectomy I paced the floor endlessly panicking about what might or may possibly not be, did I have cancer? didn’t I have cancer? As a pc geek I also surfed the internet hour following hour looking for anything that could tell me that a) it wasn’t truly accurate i.e. the doctors did not know what they had been speaking about and b) there’s a miracle cure out there, some sort of “magic bullet”.

I got suckered into 3 things

Some sort of Chinese herbal remedy that was supposed to boost kidney function (maybe it did)&#13
Zeolites – Very high-priced&#13
A drug known as Graviola that was highly high-priced and created me really feel violently ill to the point I collapsed and threw up.&#13

None of the above things that I attempted had any clinical or scientific evidence to back up their claims, just anecdotal hearsay. What is worse is they wrap up their sales patter with false claims about it being some secret that is been deliberately hidden from us, basically because they have no scientific evidence themselves, so they have to have a thing to hook us in.

I’ve given that learnt now that as with most things “if it sounds as well great to be true, then it normally is”. I really feel ashamed that I was drawn in to this stuff.

I do not hold that there is some conspiracy theory holding back a cancer remedy fed the pharmaceutical businesses want for larger profit margins, and it disgusts me that there are these out there that feed off this and people’s vulnerability to sell them these snake-oil concoctions.

Some of these concoctions have been place on clinical trial and none of them have proved to have any efficacy for RCC. Kidney Cancer is also a single of these highly resistant cancer’s that means factors such as common chemotherapy has tiny or no impact, which is why we’re left with a couple of very expensive remedies and drugs such as HDIL-2, Sutent, Nexavar,Avastin and so forth. Once again none of these drugs boast a cure, they only proclaim to hopefully extend a person’s life and verify the growth of tumours.

If these other remedies had any serious efficacy then I suspect they would have appeared on all of the worldwide Kidney Cancer forums that are patient and carer driven, such as ACOR which I use on a normal basis. Individuals are not themselves driven by the government or pharmaceutical organizations , they are driven by their disease. Any miracle remedy would have surfaced by now and we’d all be popping whatever that pill is, crushing seeds, consuming grass or standing on our heads with one particular arm behind our backs singing Alleluia while drinking red wine by means of a smelly sock due to the fact essentially I’d do something not to get this cancer once again.

That does not imply that a remedy wont be located, and possibly the remedy will come from some all-natural supply, nonetheless pharmaceutical firms look at thousands upon thousands of compounds every single year to see which ones could be a basis for a cure, if these snake-oil substances had any validity behind them then they would have produced a remedy from them already…. so to me, it is not about income.

For certain we really should question our oncologists or urologists, and in that sense we must be armed with as significantly info as possible so we can have powerful discussions about the finest clinical paths given our individual conditions. I hope goes some way to assisting.

One particular for a forum debate I suspect.