Prostate Cancer Treatment Options – What You Need to Know

Prostate cancer is a illness that happens in the male reproductive method. This cancer is extremely popular as the most causes of death in the United States.

The prostate itself is responsible for production of semen. Anatomically, the prostate gland is located between the bladder and rectum, so occasionally in diagnosed the disease we require finger rectal examination besides PSA blood test.

Signs and symptoms

early symptoms of prostate cancer almost frequently overlooked, since it is normally without having symptoms. This is a single answer for the question why this most typically found in guys aged fifty years and the most frequently diagnosed in the seventies. Indeed in line with the age, symptom that was not visible will be visible. a common complaint expressed by folks with the illness is pain, specially when you urinate, sometimes you will found bleeding in urination, and the presence of erectile dysfunction.

Examination and Diagnosis

The diagnosis of prostate cancer is taken by means of physical examination or with a blood test named PSA. This Prostate Distinct Antigen, is the antigen if it contained in someone`s blood, the physician will suspect him suffer the cancer. Later the suspicions of prostate specific antigen will be confirmed by taking a tissue biopsy.

Prostate Cancer Treatment options

Suitable treatment for prostate cancer is nonetheless below debate. Therapy options differ, based on the stage. In the early stages can be utilized prostatectomy (removal of prostate) and radiation therapy. If prostate cancer has spread, hormonal manipulation can be accomplished (minimize testosterone levels by means of the removal of drugs or the testis) or chemotherapy.


1. Radical prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland).

Frequently performed on stage cancer A and B. The procedure is long and is normally performed under common anesthesia or spinal. An incision is created in the abdomen or perineal area, and the patient had to undergo hospital therapy for five-7 days. Complications that can take place is that impotence and incontinence uri. In patients who are nonetheless active sex life, can be done Potency-sparing radical prostatectomy.

2. Orkiektomi (removal of the testes, castration).

Appointment of two testes have decreased testosterone levels, but this process causes physical and psychological effects that can not be tolerated by the patients. Orkiektomi is an productive treatment, does not require re-treatment, compared to less expensive drugs and right after undergoing orkiektomi patient did not need to have hospital treatment. Orkiektomi usually done on the cancer that had spread.

Radiation Therapy:

Radiation therapy utilised primarily to treat cancer of A, B and C. Usually if the threat of surgery is as well high, then do radiation therapy. Radiation therapy to the prostate gland can be accomplished in numerous methods:

1. External radiation therapy performed in hospitals without the need to have to undergo hospitalization. Side effects such as decreased appetite, fatigue, skin reactions (such as redness and irritation), injury or burns to the rectum, diarrhea, cystitis (bladder infection) and hematuria. External radiation therapy is generally done as significantly as 5 times / week for 6-eight weeks.

two. Transplant iodine beads, gold or iridium radioactive directly on prostate tissue by means of a little incision. The advantage of this type of radiation therapy is that radiation is directed straight to the prostate with tissue harm in the surrounding smaller.


1. Hormonal manipulation

The objective is to reduce the level of testosterone. Reduce in testosterone levels are often extremely successful in preventing the growth and spread of cancer. Hormonal manipulation is primarily utilized to alleviate symptoms without having curing prostate cancer, namely cancer in patients who have been spreading.

Synthetic drug whose function resembles luteinizing hormone Releasing Hormone (LHRH), the much more broadly used to treat advanced prostate cancer. An example is the lupron or zoladeks.

These drugs suppress the formation of stimulating the testes to testosterone (this is known as chemical castration due to the fact it has the same outcome with the removal of the testes). Drugs given in the type of injections, usually each 3 months. The side effects are nausea and vomiting, flushed face, anemia, osteoporosis and impotence.

Other drugs used for hormonal therapy is androgen inhibitor (eg flutamid), which function to prevent the attachment of testosterone on prostate cells. The side effects are impotence, liver disorders, diarrhea, and gynecomastia (enlarged breasts).

two. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is frequently employed to treat symptoms of prostate cancer is resistant to hormonal therapy. Generally offered a single drug or mixture of numerous drugs to destroy cancer cells.

Drugs that can used to treat prostate cancer is:

* Mitoxantronx &#13* Prednisone &#13* Paclitaxel &#13* Dosetaxel&#13* Estramustin &#13* Adriamycin

The side effects differ and rely on the drugs offered. You ought to carefully consider the advantages and side effects of each remedies to discover the best prostate cancer treatment options that suit with you.