Chemotherapy – Treatment For Lung Cancer

The method of destroying the cancer cells by introducing the anti cancer drugs into the body is named Chemotherapy. This approach can be performed for a lot of sorts of cancers like lung, ovarian, liver, abdominal, neck and brain cancers as well. Lung cancer arises as a result of the improper growth of cells in the lungs. Lungs are the important organ in our physique which purifies the air we breathe. So cancer produced in lungs could be generating breathing difficulties for us.

The drugs purposely employed for lung cancer is Carboplatin and Taxol, germicitabine with cisplatin, vinorelbine and cisplatin. These drugs are normally injected into the physique rather than taking orally. The treatment might be performed for handful of days and the patient will be asked to be in rest for couple of weeks. The therapy performed would be based on the stage of the illness.

Performing chemotherapy brings up so many side effects.

The setback of chemotherapy is the side effects. It produces a reduction in the production of the white blood corpuscles (WBC). It is the WBC which is responsible for the protection of our physique against infection. Its reduction will indicate that our body is open to all sorts the infections.

As the drugs not only destroy the cancer cells but also some healthy cells, the platelets produced in the physique may lessen. These platelets are responsible for the clotting of blood in our physique. It could result in unstopped bleeding.

Due to destruction of healthier cells, there could be tiredness, hair loss, sore mouth, vomiting, and anemia and so on. But most of the side effects will be present at the time of therapy, and they might disappear once the therapy gets over.